A LAMBDA VIT-FIT syringe pump is equipped with a 50 mL stainless steel syringe filled with a 10 mM stock solution of coumaric acid (substrate). The outlets of two pumps are connected to a static mixer, in order to provide a feed stream with uniform concentration before it reaches the column inlet.
Valotta, A., Maier, M. C., Soritz, S., Pauritsch, M., Koenig, M., Brouczek, D., Schwentenwein, M. & Gruber-Woelfler, H. (2021). 3D printed ceramics as solid supports for enzyme immobilization: an automated DoE approach for applications in continuous flow. J Flow Chem, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1007/s41981-021-00163-4
Keywords in publication: 3D printing; Biocatalysis; Automation; Continuous flow; DoE.
200 µL of the diluted and spiked rainbow trout plasma were pumped through a PDMS coated capillary with defined flow rates (24–0.2 ml/h ) using a syringe pump LAMBDA VIT-FIT.
Krause, S. & Goss, K. U. (2021). Could chemical exposure and bioconcentration in fish be affected by slow binding kinetics in blood? Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2021, Advance Article; https://doi.org/10.1039/d1em00056j
Keywords: Binding Kinetics; Respiratory Uptake, Bioconcentration; Fish Plasma; Modeling Analysis; Blood; Sorption Kinetics; Bioaccumulation
BIOREACTOR: VIT-FIT syringe infusion pump used with bioreactor
Feeding of reactants into the microreactor via two LAMBDA VIT-FIT syringe pumps (connected to lab automation system LabManager & automation software LabVision)
Frede, T.A., Weber, C., Brockhoff, T., Christ, T., Ludwig, D. & Kockmann, N. (2023). Data Management of Microscale Reaction Calorimeter Using a Modular Open-Source IoT-Platform. Processes 2023, 11, 279.
Keywords: data curation; data management; flow calorimetry; Internet of Things; open-source software
Mikrobiologische Volatilisierung von anorganischem Selen aus Deponiesickerwässern - konstante Volumenflussrate mit VIT-FIT Spritzenpumpe: 2010
Mikrobiologische Volatilisierung von anorganischem Selen aus Deponiesickerwässern bei umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen.
Peitzsch, Mirko, Daniel Kremer, and Michael Kersten. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 22, no. 2 (2010): 107-115.182-186(5).
Institut für Geowissenschaften. Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
Keywords: Deponiegas, Deponiesickerwasser, GC-ICP-MS, Mikrobiologische Alkylierung, Organoselenverbindungen, Speziation, Microbial Alkylation, Bioremediation, GC-ICP-MS, Landfill gas, Landfill leachate, Organoselenium, Speciation
Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund und ZielMikrobiologische Alkylierungsraten sind im Hinblick auf den unter natürlichen Bedingungen stattfindenden Rückgang der Selenkonzentrationen bzw. -frachten kontaminierter Ökosysteme von Interesse.
Material und MethodenZur Analyse der leichtflüchtigen Organoselenverbindungen im Deponiegas wie auch über die mikrobiologischen Inkubationsansätze wurde die Gasphase in Tedlar®-Beuteln gesammelt. Die Kopplung von effizienter Anreicherung (cryotrapping-cryofocusing), gaschromatografischer Trennung und einem relativ nachweisstarken elementselektiven Detektor als CT-CF-GC-ICP-MS ermöglichte eine direkte Selenspeziation in der Gasphase mit Nachweisgrenzen im Ultraspurenbereich (pg Se) sowohl im Deponiegas als auch in den Kulturansätzen.
DiskussionIm Vergleich zu anderen Studien mit mikrobiologischen Reinkulturen sowie Isolaten aus Wässern und Böden sind die Ausbeuten an volatilen Organoselenverbindungen in den Inkubationsansätzen mit A. alternata und dem Deponiesickerwasser ähnlich hoch, wobei der hier untersuchte Konzentrationsbereich allerdings weit unterhalb des in der Literatur für Inkubationsansätze bisher berichteten lag.
SchlussfolgerungenDa die Alkylierung von Selen durch A. alternata in Mischkultur mit Deponiesickerwasser bei umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen funktioniert und die Zusammensetzungen der gebildeten Organoselenverbindungen derjenigen ähneln, die im Deponiegas gefunden werden, werden diese offensichtlich auch in der Deponie mikrobiologisch gebildet.
Empfehlungen und PerspektivenDie mikrobiologische Alkylierung toxischer, anorganischer Selenspezies zu sehr viel weniger problematischen, leichtflüchtigen Organoselenverbindungen stellt eine effiziente Methode dar, um kontaminierte Flächen auf biologischem Wege auch bei relativ niedrigen Konzentrationen zu reinigen.
Shearing experiment controlled with the help VIT-FIT Syringe pumps to study the cell damage in mammalian cell culture: 2008
Abstract: In the pharmaceutical industry mammalian cell lines gained more and more attention in the last decade and are nowadays the primary expression system in the production of therapeutic recombinant proteins. Despite its diverse drawbacks, the stirred tank reactor (STR) is usually the system of choice and serves as major workhorse for most applications. To overcome the limitations faced in established processes, improved bioreactors are needed to provide a more favorable in vitro environment to mimic in vivo conditions.
Read more
BIOMATERIALS: Programmable syringe pump for biomolecules & structural studies
Cytochrome c (cyt c) solution was injected into the ternary lipid membranes with a programmable VIT-FIT syringe pump at sufficiently low speed to study the phase behaviour: 2014
Effect of cytochrome c on the phase behavior of charged multicomponent lipid membranes.
Pataraia, Salome, Yonggang Liu, Reinhard Lipowsky, and Rumiana Dimova. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1838, no. 8 (2014): 2036-2045.
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany and Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Keywords: Giant vesicles, Phase diagram (Gibbs triangle), Egg sphingomyelin, DOPG, Cholesterol, Confocal microscopy
Abstract: We studied the effect of submicromolar concentrations of cytochrome c (cyt c) on the phase behavior of ternary lipid membranes composed of charged dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol, egg sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The protein was found to induce micron-sized domains in membranes belonging to the single-fluid-phase region of the protein-free ternary mixture and, as a result, to expand the region of coexistence of liquid ordered (Lo) and liquid disordered (Ld) phases. Direct observations on individual vesicles revealed that protein adsorption increases the area of Ld domains.
Feeding of fluid to the microfluidic flow cell by a syringe pump VIT-FIT to study the adhesion strength between nanoparticles and substrate: 2013
Feasibility and constraints of particle targeting using the antigen–antibody interaction.
Tokárová, Viola, Anna Pittermannová, Vlastimil Král, Pavlína Řezáčová, and František Štěpánek. Nanoscale 5, no. 23 (2013): 11490-11498.
Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Keywords: Microfluidic flow cell, Monoclonal antibodies, Silica nanoparticles, Flow cytometry, Drug delivery
Part of themed collection: Functional Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Abstract: This work is concerned with the surface modification of fluorescent silica nanoparticles by a monoclonal antibody (M75) and the specific bioadhesion of such particles to surfaces containing the PG domain of carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX), which is a trans-membrane protein specifically expressed on the surfaces of several tumor cell lines. The adhesion strength of antibody-bearing silica nanoparticles to antigen-bearing surfaces was investigated under laminar flow conditions in a microfluidic cell and compared to the adhesion of unmodified silica nanoparticles and nanoparticles coupled with an unspecific antibody.
Dosing of fluids with VIT-FIT syringe pumps for reliably assessment of protein structures under various conditions: 2011
Coupling of a microfluidic mixer to a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer for protein-conformation studies.
Prim, Denis, Simon Crelier, and Jean-Manuel Segura. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry 65, no. 10 (2011): 815-816.
HES-SO Valais, Institute of Life Technologies, Sion, Switzerland.
Keywords: FTIR, Microfluidic, Protein Conformation, Protein Folding
Abstract: The biological properties of a protein critically depend on its conformation, which can vary as a result of changes in conditions such as pH or following the addition of various substances. Being able to reliably assess the quality of protein structures under various conditions is therefore of crucial importance. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy of the Amide I band of proteins is a powerful method for the determination of protein conformations and further allows the analysis of continuously flowing solutions of the target molecule.
Cryotrapping at a flow rate of 40 ml/min with VIT-FIT programmable syringe pump: 2008
Speziation mikrobiologisch alkylierter, leichtflüchtiger Selenverbindungen in Abhängigkeit der geochemischen Verfügbarkeit des Selens.
Peitzsch, Mirko. Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz (2008).
Fachbereich Chemie, Pharmazie und Geowissenschaften der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Keywords: Biomethylierung, Selen, GC-ICP-MS, Speziation, Oberflächenkomplexierung, Goethit, DMSe, Sorption, Aminosäuren, volatil; biomethylation, selenium, GC-ICP-MS, speciation, surface complexation, goethite, DMSe, sorption, amino acids, volatile
Abstract: Selenium exists in different oxidation states (+6, +4, ±0, -2) in diverse environmental compartments. Different properties are related to these oxidation states, for example water solubility, which is closely correlated with the migration capability and the bioavailability.
In this study, the availability of inorganic selenium species was investigated in different laboratory experiments to get information on the mobility of these species. Hereby selenite adsorbed on goethite was incubated with a pure culture of active methylating fungus Alternaria alternata as well as with an enriched environmental mixed culture.
Furthermore, the reduced iron selenid mineral ferroselite was used to investigate its stability at different activities of the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas. With ongoing incubation time and a related reduction of sulfate an increase of volatile organoselenium compounds in the headspace of the cultures up to nanograms was observable. Along with this an increase in dissolved selenium and therefore a biological induced re-dissolution of selenium out of the mineral into the water phase has been observed.
It was possible to show in this study, that the activity of microorganisms has a significant impact on the stability of surface complexes of selenite as well as with mineral selenid species.
Programmable VIT-FIT syringe pump provided steady injection of the sample (2 mL/h) through the deposition cell without flow rate pulses to study the kinetics of β-lactoglobulin at a solid−liquid interface: 2007
Effects of temperature, pH, and salt concentration on β-lactoglobulin deposition kinetics studied by optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy.
Kroslak, Marek, Jan Sefcik, and Massimo Morbidelli. Biomacromolecules 8, no. 3 (2007): 963-970.
ETH, Zurich and University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
Keywords: β-lactoglobulin, Denaturation, Thermal stability, OWLS
Abstract: Deposition kinetics of β-lactoglobulin at a solid−liquid interface was studied with optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) over a range of temperatures between 61 and 83 °C. A new temperature-controlled cell for OWLS measurements allows fast, on-line monitoring of the deposit formation at elevated temperatures. Primary protein layers were deposited at 25 °C in order to precondition and stabilize the waveguide surface. Sustained deposition lasting from a few minutes (around 80 °C) to hours (below 70 °C) resulted in multilayer deposits up to several tens of nanometers thick. The measured deposition rates were strongly influenced by temperature, pH, and NaCl concentration.
Flow rate was held constant at 2 ml/h (corresponding to a residence time of about 30s in the deposition cell) by the programmable syringe pump VIT-FIT: 2006
Investigation of deposition and adsorption on solid-liquid interfaces through optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy.
Kroslak, Marek. PhD diss., Slovak Technical University, 2006.
ETH, Zurich.
Keywords: Topochemistry, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Mobility, Molecular Motility, Biomolecules, Biological Macromolecules, Biochemistry
Abstract: Deposition of dissolved or suspended material from liquids at solid surfaces is present in various applications occurring not only in chemical process technologies, but also in many food, biomedical, environmental and mineral processing industries. Control of deposition phenomena through appropriate design of surface properties has been subject of much interest in recent years. Read more
Cell manipulation: Microfluidic syringe infusion & withdrawal pump
Injection of cell suspension to electroporation microchip by VIT-FIT syringe pump through teflon tubing at flow rate 4 μl/min: 2007
Low voltage DC electroporation chip with polyelectrolyte salt bridges.
Kim, Sang Kyung, Jae Hyun Kim, Kwang Pyo Kim, and Tack Dong Chung. In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2007. MEMS. IEEE 20th International Conference on, pp. 465-468. IEEE, 2007.
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
Keywords: bioMEMS, biological techniques, cellular biophysics, GFP plasmid expression, GFP plasmid transfection, K562 human chronic leukemia cells, electric potential, electrode reservoir, electropermeation, electroporation microchip, ionic conductivity, low voltage DC electroporation chip, pDADMAC, poly diallyldimethylammonium chloride, polyelectrolyte hydrogel, polyelectrolyte salt bridges
Abstract: Our electroporation microchip precisely controls the electric field on cells without bubble generation in microchannel by utilizing ionic conductivity of a polyelectrolyte hydrogel. pDADMAC (poly diallyldimethylammonium chloride) delivers electric potential from the electrode reservoir to the cells in microchannels Bubble generation is completely blocked without a high voltage source or a pulse generator . According to the calculation with CFD-ACE, the electric field across the salt bridges is around 1.3 kV/cm which meets the general electropermeation field strength (0.3-1 kV/cm).
Precise control of buffer and particle stream by VIT-FIT syringe pump in a cell separation system using 3D-asymmetric microelectrodes: 2005
An efficient cell separation system using 3D-asymmetric microelectrodes.
Park, Jungyul, Byungkyu Kim, Seung Kyu Choi, Su Hong, Sang Ho Lee, and Kyo-Il Lee. Lab on a Chip 5, no. 11 (2005): 1264-1270.
Microsystem Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
Abstract: An efficient 3D-asymmetric microelectrode system for high-throughput was designed and fabricated to enhance sorting sensitivities to the dielectric properties—size, morphology, conductivity, and permittivity—of living cells. The principle of the present system is based on the use of the relative strengths of negative dielectrophoretic and drag forces, as in a conventional 3D-microelectrode system. Whereas the typical 3D-microelectrode system has a constant electric field magnitude due to the constant width of the microelectrodes and a fixed gap between face-to-face microelectrodes,
Flow in microchannels and at microhole was precisely controlled with two VIT-FIT microsyringe pumps: 2005
Design and fabrication of an integrated cell processor for single embryo cell manipulation.
Park, Jungyul, Seng-Hwan Jung, Young-Ho Kim, Byungkyu Kim, Seung-Ki Lee, and Jong-Oh Park. Lab on a Chip 5, no. 1 (2005): 91-96.
Microsystem Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea and School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Dankook University, Korea.
Abstract: This paper presents an integrated cell processor for the automatic handling of individual embryo cells. The integrated processor can perform various functions such as cell transport, isolation, orientation, and immobilization. These functions are indispensable and frequently used for the manipulation of single cells, but can only be carried out by a skillful operator. The purpose of this study was the integration and automation of these functions for effective cell manipulation, using a MEMS approach. The isolation of a cell was performed using polypyrrole (PPy) valves in a microchannel into which cells were transported.
Integrated Bio Cell Processor using two programmable VIT-FIT microsyringe pumps: 2004
An integrated bio cell processor for single embryo cell manipulation.
Park, Jungyul, Seng-Hwan Jung, Young-Ho Kim, Byungkyu Kim, Seung-Ki Lee, Byungkwon Ju, and Kyo-Il Lee. In Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004.(IROS 2004). Proceedings. 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 242-247. IEEE, 2004.
Microsystem Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea.
Keywords: Biomanipulation; Dielectrophoresis; Integrated bio cell processor; Microfluidic channel; Orientation control; Polypyrrole valve; Single embryo cell manipulation
Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel integrated bio cell processor to handle individual embryo cells. Its functions are composed of transporting, isolation, orientation, and immobilization of cells. These functions are essential for biomanipulation of single cells, and have been typically carried out by a proficient operator. The purpose of this study is the automation of these functions for effective cell manipulation using a MEMS based bio cell processor. This device is realized with relatively simple design and fabrication process. To transport cells, microfluidic channel is employed. The isolation of a cell is performed by actuation of polypyrrole (PPy) valves.
VIT-FIT microsyringe pumps with infusion and withdrawal function used to control the orientation of Zebrafish egg in microchannel: 2003
Microfluidic Control for Biological Cell Orientation.
Namkung, Young-woo, Jung-yul Park, Byungkyu Kim, Jong-Oh Park, and Jin-Oh Kim. 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 (2003): 2457-2460.
Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea; Kwangwoon University, Korea.
Keywords: Biological cell, Cell manipulation, Cell rotator, Microfluidic, Orientation, Zebrafish egg
Abstract: There is a great demand to manipulate biological cell autonomously since biologist should spend much time to obtain skillful manipulation techniques. For this purpose, we propose a cell chip to control, carry, fix and locate the cell. In this paper, we focus on the cell rotator to rotate individual biological cell based on a micro fluidics technology.
Water injection at a flow rate of 200μl/min with a LAMBDA VIT-FIT programmable syringe pump
T. Aüllo, PhD thesis, 2013, Atténuation naturelle potentielle de BTEX en aquifère de stockage de gaz naturel
Microbiologie, Univeristé de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Keywords: BTEX; Aquifère; Gaz naturel; Desulfotomaculum; ADN-SIP; Benzène; Toluène; Éthylbenzène; Xylènes; Aquifères; Natural gas; DNA-SIP, Aquifer
Maintaining of fluid circulation in the inverted microscope by LAMBDA VIT-FIT syringe pump
Mbaye S., Séchet P., Pignon F., Martins J. M. F., Influence of hydrodynamics on the growth kinetics of glass-adhering Pseudomonas putida cells through a parallel plate flow chamber, Biomicrofluidics 7, 054105 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4821244.
Laboratoire d'Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels; Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés; Laboratoire d'étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement, Université Joseph Fourier, France
Keywords: Cell adhesion, Cell growth, Biofilms, Hydrodynamics, Bacteria, Nutrients, Reynolds stress modeling, Laminar flows, Mass diffusion, Suspensions
Mikrobiologische Volatilisierung von anorganischem Selen aus Deponiesickerwässern - konstante Volumenflussrate mit VIT-FIT Spritzenpumpe:
Peitzsch, M., Kremer, D. and Kersten, M. 2010. Mikrobiologische Volatilisierung von anorganischem Selen aus Deponiesickerwässern bei umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung Volume 22, Number 2 (2010), 107-115. DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0113-x.
Institut für Geowissenschaften. Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Keywords: Deponiegas, Deponiesickerwasser, GC-ICP-MS, Mikrobiologische Alkylierung, Organoselenverbindungen, Speziation, Microbial Alkylation, Bioremediation, GC-ICP-MS, Landfill gas, Landfill leachate, Organoselenium, Speciation